English 4th

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english: inglés 
science: ciencias naturales
maths: mates
art and design: plástica
geography: geografía
history: historia
music: música
drama: teatro
social science: ciencias sociales 
spanish: lengua española
religion: religión
ethical values: valores éticos

Grammar and Speaking 

Speak, write and make sentences like these. 

I have got (I've got) Art on Mondays. (Yo tengo plástica los lunes)
You have not got (You haven't got) English  on Tuesdays. (Tú no tienes inglés los martes)
He/She has (He's/She's got) got Music at nine. (Él/ella tiene música a las nueve)
We have not got (We haven't got) ICT at half past eleven. (Nosotros no tenemos Tics a las once y media)

Answer these questions

Have you got PE on Thursdays? Yes, I have / No, I haven't. (¿Tienes Educación Física los jueves? Si/No)
Has she got History at quarter to twelve? Yes, she has / No, she hasn't. (¿Tiene ella historia a las doce y cuarto? Si/No)

Have we got Science today? Yes, we have / No, we haven't. (¿Tenemos ciencias hoy? Si/No)

What have we got at ten? We've got Maths
(¿Qué tenemos a las diez? Tenemos matemáticas)

Reinforce Activities

Verb to have got: Tener


Forma corta
Ihave gotI've gotyo tengo
youhave gotyou've gottú tienes/vosotros tenéis
hehas gothe's gotél tiene
shehas gotshe's gotella tiene
ithas gotit's got                 animal o cosa tiene
wehave gotwe've gotnosotros tenemos
theyhave gotthey've gotellos tienen


   Forma corta
Ihave not got    I haven't gotyo no tengo
youhave not got    you haven't gottú no tienes/vosotros no tenéis
hehas not got    he hasn't gotél no tiene
shehas not got     she hasn't gotella no tiene
ithas not got    it hasn't got                  animal o cosa no tiene
wehave not got    we haven't gotnosotros no tenemos
theyhave not got   they haven't gotellos no tienen


Have I got?     ¿Yo tengo?
Have you got?        ¿Tú tienes?
Has he got?     ¿Él tiene?
Has she got?     ¿Ella tiene?
Has it got?     ¿Animal o cosa tiene?
Have we got?    ¿Nosotros tenemos?
Have they got?    ¿Ellos tienen?


 Short Answer  

  Yes, I have   Si, tengo              No, I haven't     No, no tengo

  Yes, he has   Si, él tiene            No, he hasn't       No, no tiene

  Yes, she has  Si, ella tiene         No, she hasn't     No, ella no tiene

  Yes, we have Si, nosotos tenemos No, we haven't  No, nosotros no tenemos

esquema_de_horas_-_time.JPG Reloj analógico
2_menos_cuarto.jpg 2_en_punto.jpg 2_y_cuarto.jpg 2_y_media.jpg
It's quarter to two. It's two o'clock. It's quarter past two. It's half past two.

Hora analógica
Hora digital
It's five o'clock. _5:00_ It's five o'clock.
It's quarter past five. _5:15_ It's five fifteen.
It's half past five. _5:30_ It's five thirty.
It's quarter to six. _5:45_ It's five forty-five.

Preguntar qué hora es
  • What's the time?
  • What time is it?
    • Respuesta: IT'S + HORA
What time is it? It's twelve o'clock.

Preguntar a qué hora sucede una acción
  • What time do you -ACTION (go to bed)?
  • What time does he -ACTION (go to bed)?
    • Respuesta: AT + HORA
What time do you go to school? At quarter to nine.



curly hair: pelo rizado
straight hair: pelo liso
long hair: pelo largo
short hair: pelo corto
dark hair: pelo moreno
fair hair: pelo rubio
glasses: gafas
moustache: bigote
beard: barba
ponytail: coleta
What's he/ she wearing?: ¿Qué lleva puesto?
He's / She's wearing a coat, a hat, etc. : el / Ella lleva puesto 
un abrigo, un sombrero, etc... 

He has got / He's got short hair: Él  tiene pelo corto.
She has got / She's got long hair: Ella tiene pelo largo.
He hasn't got glasses: Él no tiene gafas.
She hasn't got a ponytail: Ella no tiene coleta.
Has he got a moustache? :  ¿Tiene él bigote?    
Has she got fair hair? : ¿Tiene ella pelo rubio?
Short answers
Yes, he / she has : Si
No, he / she hasn't: No

Describing people
Describing people
Describing people
Describing people
Describing people
Describing people

Story Vocabulary
thief: ladrón
catch / catching: atrapar
take / taking: coger 
call / calling: llamar
arrest / arresting: arrestar
explain/ explaining : explicar
wearing: llevar puesto (ropa, complementos)
flute: flauta
policeman / policewoman: policía 
pop star: cantante pop

Books for children
character: personaje
author: autor 
brave: valiente
imaginative: imaginativo/a
strong: fuerte
clever: inteligente
poor: pobre
lucky: afortunado
kind: amable
library: biblioteca
join: apuntarse, hacerse socio 
borrow: pedir prestado
download: descargar
find out: averiguar

Types of books : tipos de libros:

Children's novel : novela para niños
Fairy tales: cuento de hadas
Play : obra de teatro
Science fiction book: libro de ciencia ficción
Action and Adventure book: libro de acción y aventuras
Mystery: misterio
Horror book
: libro de miedo
Comic: comic
Travel book: libro de viajes
Poetry book: libro de poesía
Diaries: diario

Write about your favourite book

Tittle and author
My favourite book is Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling.
Type of book
It's a series of seven books. It's a fantasy novel, it's a film too
Your favourite character and description of a character
My favourite character is Harry. Harry is a boy with special powers. He has got short dark hair and glasses. He wears the school uniform. He studies at Howards, a magic school.

                           MY FAVOURITE BOOK 

My favourite book is Harry Potter, by J.K. Rowling.

It's a series of seven books.It's a fantasy novel, it's a film too

My favourite character is Harry. Harry is a boy with special powers. He has got short dark hair and glasses. He wears the school uniform. He studies at Howards, a magic school. His favourite friends are: Hermione and Ron.

By..............(your name).
Class: ..............






airport: aeropuerto
harbour: puerto
road: carretera
shopping centre: centro comerical
sports centre: centro deportivo
church: iglesia
swimming pool: piscina



     in front of            


     next to                


           Verbo haber


There´s a shop.(Hay una tienda) .
Is there a school? (¿Hay un colegio?)
Yes there is. (Si)
No, there isn´t. (No)

There are cinemas. (Hay cines)
There aren't  hospitals. No hay hospitales)
Are there museums? (¿Hay museos?)
Yes, there are (Si) / No, there aren't (No)

Preguntar y contestar acerca de dónde se encuentran los  lugares de la ciudad.


Where is the cinema? (¿Dónde está el cine?)
The cinema is between the shop and the bank.
          (El cine está entre la tienda y el banco) 

Exercises 1
Exercises 2
Exercises 3
Exercises 4
Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7 


piper: flautista
rats: ratas
town hall: ayuntamiento
major: alcalde
give: dar
go away: irse lejos
follow: seguir
keep a promise: mantener una promesa 
adventure story: historia de aventuras
biography: biografía
fable: fábula
enjoyble: divertido
scary: de miedo
silly: tonto 
unhappy: infeliz

Tiger team magazine 
Types of transport in cities

car: coche
doble decker buses: autobuses de dos pisos
boat: barco
bicycle: bicicleta
underground / tube: metro 
tram: tranvía 
road: carretera
canal: canal
village: pueblo pequeño
town: ciudad o pueblo grande
city: ciudad grande 
cottage: casa
flat: piso 
street: calle
neighbourhood: barrio 

Write about the place where you live
I live in a .....................(city/town/village). 
My city is...............
In my city there are...................................
I live in a.......................(cottage/flat)
I live in .............................street
In my street there are / there is.........................., but there aren't/ isn't ...........................
My neighbourhood is  called...........................
I go to school   by car / on foot / by bus

My friend lives in........................street.
He goes to school ......................
My dad goes to work    by car/  by bike  / by bus 

1- Answer

- Is there a supemarket in Cortijo Alto? 
- Are there any shops in your street?
- Are there rats in Hamelin?
- Are there lots of biclycles in London? 

2- Correct the sentences

Málaga is a small village
You live in acottage
People in Venice travel by car
People in Ansterdam travel by waterbus 

3- Translate

En Hamelin hay ratas por todas partes
El alcalde promete al flautista una bolsa llena de dinero
¿Hay un cine cerca de aqui? Si, enfrente de la estación de tren
La gente vive en aldeas, pueblos y ciudades


Unit 4  Jobs and routines

a film star: estrella del cine
a firefighter: bombero
a baseball player: jugador de béisbol
a nurse: enfermera/o
a taxi driver: taxista
a cook: cocinero/a
an artist: artista
a musician: músico/a
a teacher: maestro/a
a clown : payaso
a doctor: doctor/a
a farmer. granjero/a
a baker: panadero/a
a singer: cantante
Coloca siempre el artículo a delante de las profesiones.(An si la palabra siguiente empieza por vocal)



Sentences about jobs. Say the job.
He teaches Maths: Él enseña matemáticas
He works with people: Él trabaja con peronas
She works with animals: Ella trabaja con animales
She helps people: Ella ayuda a las personas
She cooks: Ella cocina
He wears an uniform: Él viste uniforme
She works in a hospital: Ella trabaja en un hospital
She designs clothes: Ella diseña ropas
He works on a farm: Él trabaja en una granja
She cleans: Ella limpia
He paint walls: Él pinta paredes
She drives a taxi: Ella conduce un taxi

 Unit 5  Things we like doing
collecting stickers: coleccionar pegatinas
going to museums: ir a museos
painting pictures: pintar dibujos
using the computer: usar el ordenador
dancing: bailar
shopping: ir de compras
playing frisbee : jugar al frisbee
playing board games: jugar a juegos de mesa
playing golf: jugar al golf
taking photos: hacer fotos
doing exercises: hacer ejercicio
skipping: saltar a la comba
playing cards: jugar a las cartas
talking to friends: charlas con amigos
playing football
playing basketball
playing tennis
playing computer games
rollerskating: patinar
skateboarding: montar en monopatín
playing the violin
playing the drums
playing the piano
playing the recorder
reading comics
riding a horse
riding a bike

in the morning: por la mañana
in the afternoon: por la tarde
in the evening: al anochecer
at night: por la noche

Para expresar si nos gusta realizar una actividad se usa el verbo gustar(like) en presente simple seguido de un verbo terminado en ing. Ej. I like skipping.
Present Simple 
Sujeto + like/likes+ Verbo terminado en ing
I like shopping
You like playing cards
He,She,It likes rollerskating (a la 3º p.s. se le añade s).
We like playing the piano
You like taking photos
They like playing golf
Sujeto+don't/doesn't+like+Verbo terminado en ing

I don't like shopping
You don't like playing cards
He, she, It doesn't like rollerskating(con la 3º p.s.se usa doesn't y no se añade la s a like)
We don't like playing the piano
you don't like taking photos
They don't like playing golf
Do/Does+sujeto+like+Verbo terminado en ing?
Do you like shopping? 
Does he,she,it like rollerskating?(con la 3º p.s.se usa does y no se añade la s cuando va interrogativo)
Do you like taking photos?
Do they like playing golf?
Short Answers
1º p. Yes,I /we do / No, I/we don't
3º p. Yes, he/she/it does  / No, he/she/it doesn't

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6

1)Me gusta  montar a caballo pero no me gusta hacer fotos.
I like riding a horse but I don't like taking photos.
2) A ella le gusta jugar a las cartas y saltar a la comba por la mañana.
She likes playing cards and skipping in the morning.
3) ¿Te gusta leer comics? Si.
Do you like reading comics? Yes, I do.
4) ¿Le gusta a él montar en monopatín? No.
Does he like skateboarding? No, he doesn't
Translate the sentence
Me gusta tocar el violín pero no me gusta  jugar al golf.
A ella le gusta montar en bici pero no le gusta jugar al fútbol. 
A mi me gusta hacer fotos y jugar al frisbee por la tarde.
A él le gusta  hacer ejercicio y jugar a juegos de mesa al anochecer. 
¿Te gusta charlas con amigos? Si.
¿Le gusta a él jugar a las cartas? No. 

Unit 6 In the countryside

Para dar órdenes, usa el verbo sin sujeto, ejemplo: Turn right (gira a la derecha).
 Si la orden es negativa pon don't delante del verbo, ejemplo: Don't go to the farm (no vayas a la granja).

Turn right: gira a la derecha
Turn left: gira a la izquierda
Go straight on: sigue recto
Turn right at the post: gira a la drecha en el poste
Don't turn left at the bridge: No gires a la izquierda en el puente
Go to the campsite: Ve al camping
Don't go to the lake: No vayas al lago
Go straight on at the bridge: sigue recto en elpuente
Go to the end of the path: Ve al final del camino

Giving directions
Giving directions
Giving directions 
Giving directions 

Copy and learn

Turn left at the bridge Gira a la izquierda en el puente

Don't turn right No gires a la derecha

Go to the end of the path Ve al final del camino

Do I go straight on? ¿Sigo recto?

Do we go over the bridge? ¿Vamos por el puente?

Turn left at the signpost Gira a la izquierda en el poste

Turn right at the gate   Gira a la drecha en la cancela

Go straight on at the farm  Sigue recto en la granja

Write about your holidays
My family goes to     a camp / a hotel  /   the  beach  /  the mountains  /  the countryside  /...  for the summer holidays.
It's great  /  great fun  /  brilliant...
There's  a swimming pool  /  amazing plants  /  animals  /  restaurants...
I like swimming in the sea  /  walking in the forest  /  taking photos...
When you go don't forget to  take photos  / take your swimming things  / 

1 comentario:

  1. Buenos días.

    Dejo enlaces con recursos digitales.

    Segundo: bit.ly/3p8pxts

    Cuarto: bit.ly/365tqsg

    Quinto: bit.ly/3JamPLI

    Sexto: bit.ly/37PRO25

    Un cordial saludo.
